标签:.NET  来源:动态网站制作指南  作者:by-Jim-Hollenhorst  发布时间:2006-09-02  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版


标点的另一个用法是使用“(?#comment)”语法包含评论。一个更好的办法是设置“Ignore Pattern Whitespace”选项,它允许空白字符插入表达式然后当使用表达式时忽略它。设置了这个选项之后,任何文本每行末尾在数字符号“#”后面的东西都被忽略。例如,我们可以格式化先前的例子如下:

31. Text between HTML tags, with comments

(?<=  # Search for a prefix, but exclude it
  <(\w+)> # Match a tag of alphanumerics within angle brackets
)    # End the prefix

.*  # Match any text

(?=   # Search for a suffix, but exclude it
  <\/\1>  # Match the previously captured tag preceded by "/"
)   # End the suffix



32. a.*b -- The longest string starting with a and ending with b


33. a.*?b -- The shortest string starting with a and ending with b


*? 重复任意次数,但尽可能少
+?  匹配一次或多次,但尽可能少
?? 重复零次或多次,但尽可能少
{n,m}? 重复最少n次,但不多于m次,但尽可能少
{n,}? 重复最少n次,但尽可能少

  表5 懒惰量词


\a 报警字符
\b 通常是单词边界,但是在一个字符集合中它表示退格键
\t  制表符
34 \r 回车
\v 垂直制表符
\f 分页符
35 \n 换行符
\e ESC
36 \nnn ASCII码八进制数为nnn的字符
37 \xnn 十六进制数为nn的字符
38 \unnnn  Unicode码为nnnn的字符
39 \c Control N字符,例如回车(Ctrl-M)就是\cM
40 \A 字符串的开始(像^但是不依赖于多行选项)
41 \Z 字符串的结尾或者\n之前的字符串结尾(忽略多行)
\z  字符串结尾(忽略多行)
42 \G 当前搜索的开始阶段
43 \p{name} 命名为name的Unicode类中的任何字符,例如\p{IsGreek}
(?>exp) 贪婪子表达式,也被称为非回溯子表达式。它只匹配一次然后就不再参与回溯。
44 (?<x>-<y>exp) or (?-<y>exp) Balancing group. This is complicated but powerful. It allows named capture groups to be manipulated on a push down/pop up stack and can be used, for example, to search for matching parentheses, which is otherwise not possible with regular expressions. See the example in the project file.
45 (?im-nsx:exp) 正则表达式选项为子表达式exp
46 (?im-nsx) Change the regular expression options for the rest of the enclosing group


The subexpression exp is treated as a zero-width positive lookahead. If it matches at this point, the subexpression yes becomes the next match, otherwise no is used.
(?(exp)yes) Same as above but with an empty no expression


This is the same syntax as the preceding case. If name is a valid group name, the yes expression is matched if the named group had a successful match, otherwise the no expression is matched.
47 (?(name)yes) Same as above but with an empty no expression

表6 我们遗漏的东西。左端的列显示了项目文件中说明这个结构的例子的序号


我们已经给出了很多例子来说明.NET正则表达式的关键特性,强调使用工具(如Expresso)来测试,实践,然后是用例子来学习。如果你想要深入的研究,网上也有很多在线资源会帮助你更深入的学习。你可以从访问Ultrapico网站开始。如果你想读一本相关书籍,我建议Jeffrey Friedl写的最新版的《Mastering Regular Expressions》。

Code Project中还有很多不错的文章,其中包含下面的教程:

·An Introduction to Regular Expressions by Uwe Keim
·Microsoft Visual C# .NET Developer’s Cookbook: Chapter on Strings and Regular Expressions
