前言,Nio大侠提出了session多服务器共享的问题,原文请见PHP 实现多服务器共享 SESSION 数据。
首先,修改 php.ini的 session.save_path 选项,大致如下:
session.save_path = "2;/tmp/php_sess"
意为把session存放在 "/tmp/php_sess" 目录下,并且分成 2 级子目录,每级子目录又分别有 16 个子目录。
接下来,假设php的主目录为 /usr/local/server/php/,则新建一个文件 /usr/local/server/php/include/php/ext/session/mod_files.sh,其内容如下:
#! /bin/sh
# mod_files.sh - Update of the php-source/ext/session/mod_files.sh
# mod_files.sh basedir depth [numberofsubdirs]
# this script creates the directories tree used by php to store the session files
# (see php.ini - 'session.save_path' option)
# Example: if you want php to store the session files in a directory tree
# of 3 levels of depth containing 32 directories in each directory,
# first, put the setting bellow in the php.ini file:
# session.save_path = "3;/tmp/session"
# Now create the basedir directory: 'mkdir /tmp/session'
# Then, call this scrip with the following arguments:
# ./mod_files.sh ./mod_files.sh /tmp/session 3 32
if test "$2" = ""; then
echo "usage: $0 basedir depth [numberofsubdirs]"
echo "numberofsubdirs: if unset, defaults to 16. if 32, 32 subdirs, if 64, 64 subdirs."
exit 1